Business Tips series aimed at helping sales operations.
Reduce Cost of Sales
Check out our infographic to help illustrate an approach to this challenge…
In all the business groups I have been involved with and all the companies I have managed or advised – Reduce Cost of Sales Lead Generation would be one of the most common concerns.
Sitting right beside this is of course that you have the right strategy and processes in place – something we will cover in another Business Tip.
Reducing cost of sales can also read as more quality leads, better pipeline and increased sales.
This blog is more about managing the transactional costs of Sales – I would recommend reading our earlier blog about Targeted Sales as a pre requisite. This positions where you spend your energy and is aimed at reducing the cost of sales across the board.
All of you involved in sales are very familiar with the Pipeline… simple isn’t it – pour more leads into the funnel and get more sales.
Hmmm, why do I hear constant questions about not getting a return. Probably because you are bogging down your most expensive and valuable team members with “noise”.
Let us suggest that the very best use of your lead sales resources would be to be talking and presenting to new prospects – are you on board with that?
We have an entire process to discuss around who should go into the pipeline, but for now, how about we just assume in your target market there are 500 possibilities you have identified. Each of these will likely have multiple potential contacts and require many attempts to connect with them.
Sifting Leads
Let us agree that when you know the contact is the right contact; that your trained and experienced sales person would be the right person to have a conversation with the prospect.
To get to this point some serious research needs to be completed – do they match the Perfect Customer (PC) profile – have you defined one??
So you have them sitting in front of a computer researching, noting contacts and contact details and attempting to connect with them. This is a HUGE amount of work that anyone with the right training could do.
Download our Infographic and see what we are saying.
Document who the ideal target is (PC) and where you can connect or research them. Have support staff do this research and better still, do an introduction on behalf of the sales resource. Move over to sales directly only when the customer is qualified and/or ready to talk.
Delivio provide a process to Reduce Cost of Sales Lead Generation or we can show you how to do it yourself.
Check out our graphic, download it from here.
Anything at all further we can help you with this just drop us a line.